
    The Why So Serious Tour Come To An End....

    Im sitting in a hotel room in Tucson Arizona right now laying in the floor, I believe everyone is asleep.

    This week has been amazing. We were in California most of the week. We played Chico, S.L.O. Fresno, Bakersfield and Victorville last night.( I didnt realize actually how much we were in cali till just now)
    All of the shows were really rad. The day after we played SLO we spent a day at the beach. It was fantastic me and my buddy Loren looked for sand dollars. He found quite a few , I found one haha. and me and Gavin walked down the dock and talked to an 80 year old lady about her son such an awesome day.

    Tonight the Why So Serious Tour came to an end. Im super bummed to be honest. I made some life long friends on this tour. Really sad to see us all go on other tours. We dont play again until thursday in Wisconsin I believe where the Uncle Fester tour will start with Relient K. Im very excited to be on a stage with those guys i've listened to there music since i was in middle school, funny im now getting to tour with them.

    anyway im so tired its ridiculous


    Some photos with my boys from Rocket from our last night:


    Anonymous said...

    Tear :(

    September 23rd -
    You, This Providence and the other bands, did an incredible job in Chico . It was my first time seeing you guys preform and it left me with a smile for days :)

    Make sure you hit up Nor Cal again- But until then, have an amazing time on tour.