
    house of blues myrtle beach

    we went to a gator park.

    i always forget...

    I always forget I have this blog  though I do want to remember to update it more, forgetfulness and lazyness are working hand in hand in my blogging life right now. I haven't take as many photos on this tour as the last so I think before when I would upload photo's I would remember to blog. o well.... here I am now.

    Its 6 am, we drove from Birmingham, Alabama to Nashville overnight, Matt Hoopes was kind enough to let us stay in his home, the unfortunate part of it all is I feel asleep in the van around 2 and woke up a bit ago in the van and don't feel like making my way in. Figured I would do something productive for a moment and sleep it out in here, Its nice to be alone in here anyway sometimes. Falling asleep in the van seems to be a pattern with me lately, Ive been sleeping so hard and by the time we get to the hotel im to lazy to get out or I just dont want to wake up or be woken up. So I awake to the sun hitting my eyes early in the morning and i just throw blankets over my face for a few more hours. Its nice, i promise.

    Im listening to the Eddie Vedder - Into The Wild Soundtrack while I write. The film itself moves me in a million different ways. From the value of relationships with one another to experiences the world and the beauty all around us. I talk about the film alot actually, mostly I talk about how Alex should have stayed and lived with the old man. It would have been perfect for him a family that loved him finally, a place where he was happy, and a man just as lonely as he was. Its easy for me to realize that about Alexander Supertramp but for some reason I forget to look out the window of the van  and see all the beautiful things im passing. Its funny how most of us do that. So quickly we want to scream in a movie theater "dont kiss her or him","dont go out there he will kill you!"" Dont Leave Her" but in the reality of our own lives we would probably do those same things. 

    I would like to go to sleep now, but as for tomorrow im going to look out the window and smile and think about all the awesome things in the world, maybe ill forget to the next day but we can stick with tomorrow for now.

    much love,

    a week in...

    The Uncle Fest Tour with Relient K,Ludo, This Providence, and House Of Heroes
    October 9th, 2008

    So were a week into the Uncle Fest Tour now, it feels like much longer to me because we had a 2 day drive before the tour and a day off. We drove from Tempe, Arizona where the last show of the Why So Serious tour was to Wisconsin. The drive was long but a great time for all of us This Prov. guys to just hang out and talk about life with one another. Dan had to go to LA for 3 days so he missed out on all of the fun unfortunately. We stayed in the first town established when we got to Wisconsin. There were four restraunts, a hotel, and gas station. We wanted to go see a movie but the closest theater would have taken us 30 miles to get too, quite the town. ( we did see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist the other day though)

    The past weeks been really great though. Ill be honest I didn't know if I would be as happy on this tour after having such a great time and making such close friends on the last tour but I am. The Relient K guys are alot of fun and so down to earth. I find myself talking about nonsense with them in the green room during the day and going out during there set and realizing im singing along to all of the songs. Its great when you can appreciate the hang and the music just as much.

    We played an off day show last night in michigan at a small club call macs bar. We didn't even write a set list just called the songs out before we played another by what the crowd wanted to hear. Now were in the van a couple hours outside of Cincinnati Ohio were we play tonight.

    I need to take more photo's on this tour so I can post them. I just keep forgetting, I honestly haven't taken any except for with my cellphone so I can text them to my mom and show her where we are playing haha.

    Well Im going to go hide in my head for the rest of the drive. Put my head phones on and listen to the new Kings of Leon record which everyone should go out and purchase!

    Heart You,

    The Uncle Fest Tour has begun.....


    This tour has been great! The Fans are alot of fun and all the bands are having a great time to hang out.

    more to come.....