
    Go purchase This Providence bright lights ep


    This Providence - The Bright Lights - EP - Waste Myself


    So I am finally home from the road now. I guess I've been back a little over a week. To be honest its too chill for me, I need to be always going but it will def. be a good writing time for myself. I miss the road haha, but I do love the company of my close friends and family.
      If i'm not staying busy I better be prepared to do something with all of the things I think so guess after thanksgiving I'll really take the initiative to get the pen to paper. 
      Like everyone else in the US I read and saw twilight, most were critics of the film it seemed but I enjoyed it but the books is much better. Im going to go pick up the 2nd copy in the series tomorrow.  I hope there is alot of action in this one!
      Last but not least new thing in my life is I turned 23 friday. Its not too exciting of an age to turn to me but Tim from the band Ludo told me it was one of his fav. years of his life so far so thanks for all the hope Tim haha. I went out with family and friends nothing too exciting, since I liked the movie Wall-E so much my mother bought be a chocolate cake with the Wall-e characters on it, what a good mother.
     hopefully ill have something exciting to write about soon!


    the weather is amazing today

    the weather is amazing today in seattle, me and david have to buy a frisbee and find a park!

    im up to early ,

    im up to early , Im on chapter 3 of twilight. I have to figure out why Edward has supernatural powers

    seattle at night

    mine and davids friend chris is awesome enough to let us stay at his place for this week before our show in seattle, theres a garden right outside his apt. building you can see the space needle from, I had to snap a few quick ones tonight , probably go back tomorrow night and put more time into it , nothing special but heres what I got.

    and its over

    The Uncle Fest Tour is over... Im bummed. haha
    and i have had the flu for 3 days now. ( im getting better ) We hit a deer on our trip back to seattle, The deer could still walk and no serious damage to the van. Nyquil had taken over my body so much at the time it happened  that I looked up  for a brief moment and fell right back to sleep. Everyone was awesome to me on the 2 day drive and made it much easier.

    and there it is.
    the shortest blog ever.